“The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion.”~
The Buddha
Mahaparinirvana Sutra






Thanks for visiting.

This blog reflects my passionate interest in cooking, sharing and eating food that is prepared using plant-based ingredients.

I believe that vegan food will play an ever increasing part in the way we all eat in the future.

I live in a country where excessive consumption of meat has led to the cruel and barbaric industrialisation of animals, and this cannot be sustained.  Blood-lust is destroying the planet.  And it’s only in certain countries that vegan food is referred to as ‘vegan food’.  To most of the world, it’s just food.  Good food.  Ordinary food.  Healthy food. These are the recipes I’m searching for.  I also have a fascination for herbs and spices, which can bring the most mundane and ordinary of ingredients alive, and I’m loving discovering how spice and herb combinations have developed within different cultures.

On a practical note, I know that there are many people who would really like to become vegan, but they are so used to cooking with meat and dairy, they have no idea how to create a meal without those ingredients.  So, I have tried to keep many of my recipes simple, both in terms of ingredients and technical skill.

On a health note, please don’t be disturbed by those who say that meat is necessary for a healthy diet.  A well-balanced vegan diet that includes fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, pulses, legumes, grains, oils, herbs, spices and of course the occasional sweet treats, will provide everything your bodymind needs.

Most of the ingredients I use are readily available, and there are also posts in this blog which explore new and interesting ingredients, such as seaweed, tempeh, nutritional yeast, vegan cheeses …and much much more.

There’s already a huge amount of information available on the net investigate.  Since becoming vegan, my interest in providing good, healthy food has been completely revitalised.  It’s really not difficult.  All that has to be done, is make the break.


Food reaches out beyond language, beyond barriers and beyond boundaries.  In culinary cultures around the world, vegan is normal.

Thanks to globalisation, and of course, the internet, we have access to a myriad of tastes and flavours that before the 1950’s, was unheard of.

Looking to the future, I hope to develop recipes by adapting and innovating, to create endless recipes for peace.  Food for peace.  Peace to all beings.

In order to feel less helpless, I’m cooking for peace.

And I’m having some fun along the way….

Thanks for reading.

Nancy .

Vegan Food For Peace.

Norm Phelps : “Veganism is simply letting compassion guide our choice of food.”





18 thoughts on “ABOUT THE AUTHOR”

      1. Yes I do! Until now I thought it was attached to my comment (I’ve never commented before so I didn’t know) so thanks! I’m going to work on changing that now..


  1. Hi Nancy, I’m slowly on my way to become a vegan! Your words are heartfelt, and I do believe with consistent creating, we can make vegan food delicious and appeal to the meat-lovers 🙂 Sorry to hear that your government is threatening war. Be safe and hope you have peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much 🙂 …and I’m looking forward to more of your recipes – my heart really is with Asian food – particularly Indian 🙂


    1. Hi Trudi ..and thanks for the message! So good to connect with other vegans across the world – love your blog …and hope to visit some of those places you show us sometime! 🙂
      Best wishes from UK.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. In googling khapse cookies for our Losar celebration, I found vegan food for peace. I am sharing this website with our sangha. Merit to those who live (and cook) with ahimsa, Many thanks, Nancy. cc-clegg

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi and thanks so much for the message. Sorry about the long delay in getting back to you. Have you tried clicking on ‘follow’ ? Unfortunately, if you’re not on wordpress I think you have to subscribe by email?
      Hope that works for you.
      Best Wishes, and thanks again for your interest.


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